Who is Henry?

By Susanna Mittermaier , Nathalie Beauvois

Welcome to Who is Henry

A peacock's tale...by Susanna Mittermaier, illustrated by Nathalie Beauvois

Also available in: Deutsch, Magyar


Who is Henry?

Henry is different. He always has been. Convinced that there must be something wrong with him for not being like the others he started on a journey to find himself. What he found showed up totally different than he thought. 


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Susanna Mittermaier was born in Austria. She loves traveling so much that it became her job. She is also a psychologist, someone who helps people who think they are unhappy. She tickles them for as long as they need until they can remember how happy they truly are. Susanna, like Henry, knows what it is like to be different. She knows that being different can be challenging. It can also bring a lot of joy into your life. This is her rst book for children. She hopes you like it.


Nathalie Beauvois is a freelance illustrator living in Argentina, drawing pictures for the world. She loves to illustrate for children and everything related to everyday life ... especially really yummy food!
