Clearing Nights 5 Topics Jul-19

By Dr. Dain Heer , Susanna Mittermaier , Shannon O'Hara , Simone Milasas , Sylvia Puentes , Brendon Watt

Clear Your Limitations on the Road to Creating Your Access Business

Welcome to Clearing Nights 5 Topics!

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Duration:  5-part Video Series 

Facilitator:  Dr. Dain Heer, Susanna Mittermaier, Shannon O'Hara, Simone Milasas, Sylvia Puentes & Brendon Watt

Format:  MP4 + MP3 + PDF Download

Pre-Requisite:  Access Bars® class

Note:  Global pricing is not available for this series.


What are the Clearing Nights - 5 Nights?

1.  Money Myths with Simone Milasas

Have you ever used the excuse ‘I don’t have the money’, to stop yourself from creating? What if YOU are the source of creation, not money? Join us for this Clearing Night with Simone Milasas and find out what actually may be true for you around creation, money, and finances!

2.  Pathetic or Potent? with Brendon Watt

What have you been hiding and holding behind you so dynamically that if you didn’t would make you aware of a level of power, potency, presence, and capacities that you’re not sure you could handle? You can choose pathetic or choose to unleash your potency – which one would contribute to you and your creations? You’re invited to a Clearing Night with Brendon Watt to STOP IT and change this sh*t!

3.  Ready to Show Up & Be Seen? with Susanna Mittermaier and Sylvia Puentes

Ready to let go of your past stories and definitions of yourself and to show up in your life in a dynamic, present, and powerful new way? Join Sylvia Puentes and Susanna Mittermaier, Right Voice for You facilitators, in this Clearing Night around being seen and having your voice in the world and your business!

4.  How Different Are You Willing to Be? with Dain Heer

Being you and being willing to be different and stand out from the crowd can be a key to exponentializing your business. Join Dr. Dain Heer on this call to clear the way to the difference you BE!

5.  The Big ‘R’ – RECEIVING with Shannon O’Hara

What is it you ultimately desire to create? Are you willing to receive from everywhere, everyone, and Access Consciousness? Are you willing to receive judgment? Join Shannon O’Hara for this Clearing Night around the one topic that brings it all home – receiving!

Class Deliverables Include:

  • MP4 Digital Download
  • MP3 Digital Download
  • PDF Digital Download

Translated Languages:

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Digital Downloads: You will have immediate access to your downloads from your Access account dashboard under My Account/Downloads


Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 20 years now, Dain has been co-creating Access Consciousness and inviting people worldwide to embrace their true greatness — people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society. Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to energetic change and healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own capacities, potency and knowing.

What if you could turn your past and your problems into the choice, the question and the possibility that contributes to changing your whole life?
Is now the time for you to get over being normal and tapping into the true brilliance of you?
Mag. Susanna Mittermaier, licensed clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, Radio Show host, Access Consciousness Facilitator, author of the New Book, Pragmatic Psychology- Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy and worldwide speaker is creating a new paradigm with psychology and therapy, Pragmatic Psychology.
Pragmatic psychologist Susanna Mittermaier is known for her revolutionary perspective on mental illness and for inspiring people all over the world to access the greatness they are beyond abuse and disease.
Growing up in Vienna, as an Austrian princess she walzed through live with ease and elegance, not realizing that the ease came from the difference she is choosing to be; receiving everything and everyone and judging nothing and no one, embracing the celebration of living. Susanna knows that this is a possibility everybody has! She has an enormous capacity to facilitate lightness, joy and ease beyond what this reality finds normal. She lets the world know that depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism and every other mental illness is a capacity that has not been acknowledged and can easily be turned into possibilities and creating ones´ life greater than can be imagined. Time to employ and enjoy your crazy to create your reality?
Mag. Susanna Mittermaier is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist with years of experience in mental health working with in- and outpatients with all diagnosis. The success of her book leads to many worldwide travels every month to facilitate classes, private sessions and changing the world. The participants in her classes are doctors, teachers, parents, therapists, nurses, socialworkers and everybody who is choosing to empower people to know what they know.

Welcome to join to create the world you always have known is truly available for all of us!

When Shannon was a child, she discovered that she was acutely aware of a world that is invisible and even unmentionable to most people – the world of entities.

With the help of her stepfather, Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness®, she learned how to talk to the entities, and interact with them. Using the tools of consciousness, Shannon realized how to embrace this unique capacity that gave her access to a reality that goes beyond what is considered normal and real. And yet, for Shannon, there it was and is.

Shannon's first book, ‘Talk to the Entities’, came out over 10 years ago and was about these first steps along this path. It has now grown into a full program of classes, with facilitators all over the world, using the tools of Access Consciousness. This book, ‘The Beings of Light’ is a continuation and deepening of that exploration.

Today Shannon travels the world with her husband Max, facilitating Access Consciousness classes on consciousness, bodies, and entities, with southern Sweden as their base.

Remember those old maps that said ‘beyond here are dragons’? Well, those are the areas of our lives that Shannon O’Hara continuously and tenaciously explores. Her books are an invitation to you to come along and, if you’re willing, see for yourself.

Simone is the Worldwide Business Coordinator of Access Consciousness®, an international speaker and author of Joy of Business, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully and Relationship Are You Sure You Want One? She is an acclaimed business and life mentor, and travels the world facilitating seminars with Access Consciousness. A lady who knows how to be a woman, Simone revels in the joy of future opportunity, and knows that the prospect of possibility resides in every choice you make. You can find Simone every week on her Choice, Change & Action Podcast available on her website and iTunes.

More about Simone here:

Author | Bilingual Speaker | Empowerment Coach |
Right Voice for You
®, Being You, and Joy of Business Facilitator

Syliva Puentes is an international speaker, author, and Right Voice For You, Being You and Joy of Business Facilitator with a passion for transformational coaching and empowered education.

As a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness Facilitator, Empowerment Coach, International Speaker and Trainer Sylvia contributes tools and techniques that can transform any area of life. Her work also includes courses in Public Speaking, Leadership and Employee engagement.

Her kind presences creates a space of ease in working with individuals and groups to clear limitations and open the door to endless possibilities.

Sylvia has been using the Access Consciousness® tools to create a life and living filled with ease, joy, and glory and is now sharing this with the world. Today she is traveling around the world sharing her vision of how empowering people to know that they know creates success in life; school, work and home. Her desire is to reach as many people as possible, in person, print, radio and television and inspire them choose to live a life with Ease, Joy & Glory.

Where to contact Sylvia:

Australian anomaly, Brendon Watt, lives with an outrageous demand for an ever-expanding life and a tenacious desire to change the world. He is known worldwide for his intense kindness and awe-inspiring facilitation. As an international best selling author and leading facilitator with Access Consciousness, he inspires people to know they are just one choice away from change. Growing up he says,

“I always knew there was something different, and yet spent all of my time trying to fit in and be the same as everyone else. When I realised I could change anything – that is exactly what I did!“ 

Brendon now shares the tools of Access Consciousness® that changed his life, so he can empower others to know that anything is possible.