The Advanced Pragmatic Psychology Book Club Mar-24 Teleseries

By Gary M. Douglas , Dr. Dain Heer , Simone Milasas , Susanna Mittermaier

Dive into the art of applying Access Consciousness® tools to your life with the Advanced Pragmatic Psychology Book Club – celebrate the power of you!

Translated versions available. See details below!





VOD + MP4 + MP3 + PDF Download
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Welcome to this amazing series about empowering you to choose and create what works for you! Dive into the art of applying the Access Consciousness and Pragmatic Psychology tools to your life!

Many of us were not taught how to create our lives at all, let alone create them with joy and ease. When you are willing to be pragmatic and do what works for you, you can go beyond trauma, drama, and upset and into a world of possibilities greater than you have ever imagined.

If you knew that you could change anything, where would you start?

Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, Simone Milasas and Susanna Mittermaier invite you to celebrate the power of the tools and the power of you!

The pragmatic part is about realizing what’s true for you.



 4-part video teleseries

Facilitators: Gary M. Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, Simone Milasas, Susanna Mittermaier

Class Formats: Video on Demand (VOD) + MP4 download + MP3 download

Clearings Formats:
 MP3 download + PDF download

Translated Languages:

  • العربية Arabic
  • Deutsch German
  • Español Spanish
  • Français French
  • Italiano Italian
  • Português Portuguese
  • Pусский Russian

Upon purchase, you have immediate access to digital downloads for all languages (including English).

Included GIFT: 

  • The 15 Billion Adventure Call #44 - An undefined adventure and tsunami of change with Dr. Dain Heer
    • MP3 Download
      • العربية Arabic
      • Deutsch German
      • Español Spanish
      • Français French
      • Pусский Russian
    • MP4 Download (English only)

Designed to elevate your class experience and allow the magic to unfold, this treasure comes as a FREE gift with your shop purchase!

Prerequisites: None


Delivery Information

Video on Demand (VOD) Replay:
 You will have immediate access to the class replay from your Access Consciousness account dashboard under Media/Video on Demand to watch as many times as you like!

Digital Downloads: You will have immediate access to your downloads from your Access Consciousness account dashboard under My Account/Downloads.

Please note: Audio and written clearings will be available for download within 2–3 weeks after the original class date.

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Susanna Mittermaier

Susanna Mittermaier, Gary M. Douglas

Gary M. Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer, Simone Milasas

Gary M. Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer

Gary Douglas pioneered a set of transformational life changing tools and processes known as Access Consciousness® over 30 years ago. These tools that are on the creative edge of consciousness have transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people all over the world. His work has spread to more than 170 countries, with over 5,000 trained facilitators worldwide. Simple and so effective, the tools facilitate people of all ages and backgrounds to help remove limitations holding them back from the freedom to live and create a life they truly desire.

Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 20 years now, Dain has been co-creating Access Consciousness and inviting people worldwide to embrace their true greatness — people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society. Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to energetic change and healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own capacities, potency and knowing.

Simone is the Worldwide Business Coordinator of Access Consciousness®, an international speaker and author of Joy of Business, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully and Relationship Are You Sure You Want One? She is an acclaimed business and life mentor, and travels the world facilitating seminars with Access Consciousness. A lady who knows how to be a woman, Simone revels in the joy of future opportunity, and knows that the prospect of possibility resides in every choice you make. You can find Simone every week on her Choice, Change & Action Podcast available on her website and iTunes.

More about Simone here:

What if you could turn your past and your problems into the choice, the question and the possibility that contributes to changing your whole life?
Is now the time for you to get over being normal and tapping into the true brilliance of you?
Mag. Susanna Mittermaier, licensed clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, Radio Show host, Access Consciousness Facilitator, author of the New Book, Pragmatic Psychology- Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy and worldwide speaker is creating a new paradigm with psychology and therapy, Pragmatic Psychology.
Pragmatic psychologist Susanna Mittermaier is known for her revolutionary perspective on mental illness and for inspiring people all over the world to access the greatness they are beyond abuse and disease.
Growing up in Vienna, as an Austrian princess she walzed through live with ease and elegance, not realizing that the ease came from the difference she is choosing to be; receiving everything and everyone and judging nothing and no one, embracing the celebration of living. Susanna knows that this is a possibility everybody has! She has an enormous capacity to facilitate lightness, joy and ease beyond what this reality finds normal. She lets the world know that depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism and every other mental illness is a capacity that has not been acknowledged and can easily be turned into possibilities and creating ones´ life greater than can be imagined. Time to employ and enjoy your crazy to create your reality?
Mag. Susanna Mittermaier is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist with years of experience in mental health working with in- and outpatients with all diagnosis. The success of her book leads to many worldwide travels every month to facilitate classes, private sessions and changing the world. The participants in her classes are doctors, teachers, parents, therapists, nurses, socialworkers and everybody who is choosing to empower people to know what they know.

Welcome to join to create the world you always have known is truly available for all of us!