Ingrid Dallet

Ingrid Amelia Dallet Cuenca


My name is Ingrid Dallet - I truly enjoy self growth, consciousness, awareness, becoming more of me and constantly expanding in every area of life; whether it is myself, relationships, spirituality, business, money or joy. I study and travel often to collect new tools and techniques to this end and it is my desire to share them with the world. I started wonderful journey as a pshycotherapist (EMDR), marriage and family therapist (MFT), angel therapist and now as an access consiousness facilitator (CF). I never get enough of this and it is my particular interest to bring to my life and practice the over the edge, pragmatic tools that have given me the most fantastic results!

Is there something in your life that you are looking to change? Expand or bring more ease and joy to? May I assist you with that?

One thing I have realized is that it is not just about the problems and what is not working in your life; rather exploring if there is much more. When clients show up in my office they often end up seeing that getting rid of limitations is just the beginning! What if it could be about finding you, the true being beyond the persona, having more space, expanding your consciousness, having more possibilities and shaping the future you truly desire and always knew is possible? The good news is that in these times, there are newer ways that do not require this to be complicated, that are fun!!

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